Eric Bischoff WWE News AEW

Eric Bischoff Criticizes AEW Star Mercedes Mone’s Recent Performances

In a recent episode of the 83 Weeks podcast, WWE Hall of Famer Eric Bischoff did not hold back his thoughts on AEW’s Mercedes Mone.

Bischoff, known for his blunt critiques, expressed his disappointment with Mone’s recent performances, claiming she has “stunk up the joint” for the past month and a half.

Bischoff’s Analysis of Mone’s AEW Presentation

During the podcast, Bischoff and co-host Conrad Thompson discussed the AEW TBS Championship match between Mercedes Mone and Willow Nightingale.

Mone emerged victorious, but Bischoff argued that AEW’s presentation of Mone has been lackluster.

He stated, “It has nothing to do with Mone’s talent,” acknowledging her proven skills from her WWE tenure. Instead, Bischoff emphasized that AEW’s handling of her character and promos drained her value.

AEW’s Strategy and Mone’s Promo Skills

Bischoff understands AEW’s initial strategy to build anticipation for Mone’s debut match by delaying it.

However, he strongly criticized the decision to let her cut promos. “They should have never let her talk,” Bischoff remarked, pointing out that Mone’s promo skills were detrimental to her character’s development.

“I mean that was just a huge mistake. She cannot cut a promo, she should never be allowed until she gets the skillset to do it, and the confidence to do it well. She shouldn’t talk, it hurts her more than it helps her, I don’t understand how nobody saw that.”

The Impact on AEW Fans

The discussion also touched upon the fan reaction to Nightingale’s loss. Thompson suggested that the audience was disappointed, as they seemed to prefer Nightingale retaining the title.

Bischoff, however, attributed the lackluster reaction to AEW’s failure in effectively presenting Mone.

He argued that the company made her less interesting and important each time she spoke.

Bischoff’s Final Thoughts

Bischoff’s critique underscores a broader issue in wrestling: the importance of character presentation and promo skills. His comments serve as a reminder that even talented wrestlers can struggle if not properly showcased.

As AEW continues to grow, how they handle and develop their stars will be crucial for maintaining fan engagement and building compelling storylines.

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